Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment ‘BNG’

It is now a legal requirement for new development and those developing land without exemption to deliver 10% Biodiversity Net Gain ‘BNG’ to protect existing habitats and ecosystems; by ensuring habitat loss is identified during work-stage 2 (concept) and mitigated during work-stage 3 (planning). We undertake BNG assessments in-house for a typical ‘Small Sites Metric’ (1-9 units) with our competent Ecologist who can provide the following services:


  • Preliminary Ecological Assessment site visit to measure existing habitat value.

  • Assessment of pre-development ‘baseline’ conditions against post-development.

  • Habitat data converted to ‘biodiversity units’ using statutory ‘Small Sites Metric’.

  • Under ‘Small Sites Metric’, development of the required Biodiversity Gain Plan.

  • Tailored strategies for enhancement works with ’30 year’ maintenance plans.

  • Assistance in obtaining ‘biodiversity credits’ with offsite compensation.

During the construction phase: Where required, we can undertake regular site monitoring to ensure compliance with the Biodiversity assessment is upheld.

Protected Species Surveys & Tree Surveys: Where required, we work alongside specialist sub-consultants such as Bat Surveyors and Arboriculturalists.