Arlington House Apartment, Margate

Top: Under construction c1963. (Image: A Better Arlington) Middle: Arlington House sales brochure, c1963. (Image: Nick Dermott) Right: Arlington House prior to opening, c1964. (Image: John Lowings)
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Located on Marine Parade in Margate, this private apartment on the 10th floor of the iconic Arlington House required a programme of imaginative reconfiguration and eclectic approach to interior design that reflected the character of both the owner and building.
Arlington House, designed by Russell Diplock Associates and built by Bernard Sunley and Sons, opened officially in December 1964. The 4.5-acre site was intended to have numerous amenities, but ultimately included the 18-storey Arlington House, Arlington Square with shops and restaurants, and Arlington Car Park. Arlington House was constructed with white concrete cladding containing mica flecks, causing it to sparkle in the sunlight. Its angular facade mimics rolling waves and ensures every apartment has a beach view.
The project apartment has spectacular seaside views that extend out across Dreamland which the enlarged living spaces and bedroom taking full advantage of and with minimal obstruction. Internal color, wall and ceiling finishes are carefully selected to promote daylight in all its changing hues, whilst reducing unwanted glare. Limed maple parquet flooring compliments exposed board marked concrete elements and cork wall panels, these contrasting comfortably with the naturally darker hallway, itself featuring earthen colours and lively wall paper set against custom stained doors.
Fun pops of colour and texture are provided by an eclectic mixture of reclaimed vintage, contemporary and custom furnishings, fixtures and fittings.
“It is a well-known fact that Margate has more sunshine and less rainfall than almost any other resort on the English mainland, making it a most healthy resort in which to live.”